Conversations are the basic unit of work.
Leaders lead through conversations, they get things done with and through others.
The Authentic Leadership Conversations Workshop will accelerate your leadership capability;
by providing you with practical tools and techniques to increase your ability to
collaborate, communicate and influence.
“Very useful approach in developing good leadership. Strongly recommend!”
Raymond Lim, General Manager, Kidney Dialysis Foundation

A paradigm changing tool - the Conversation Meter
Delve into the core principles of conversations - the Conversation Meter helps diagnose, predict and prescribe how to create the greatest value. It looks like a speedometer but it measures not so much the speed of conversation but the speed to value creation. Upgrade your daily interactions from pretence to authenticity to create value.
Uncover character insights
We are all unique individuals with loads of creative energy waiting to be tapped. Understanding the character and uniqueness of individuals will help leaders to fully harness the individual strengths and get the best out of your team.
We are all unique individuals with loads of creative energy waiting to be tapped. Understanding the character and uniqueness of individuals will help leaders to fully harness the individual strengths and get the best out of your team.
Build your reliability through our interactive sessions.
We believe practice makes perfect and aim to provide
practical tools that you can start using immediately.
The aim of every tool is to increase awareness in
the moment, and therefore choice of action
We believe practice makes perfect and aim to provide
practical tools that you can start using immediately.
The aim of every tool is to increase awareness in
the moment, and therefore choice of action
Conversations play a profound and practical role
in our lives and in our work. Organisations that
operate in harmony with the human condition
will be most successful.
in our lives and in our work. Organisations that
operate in harmony with the human condition
will be most successful.