About us
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Customized Solutions
Licensed Programs
Authentic Leadership Conversations
Authentic Leadership Conversations for Financial Industry
Drive Workshop
Principles of Persuasion
Principles of Persuasion for Financial Industry
What Motivates Me
Our Clients
Calendar of events
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Workshop Registration
Alternatively you may download the form and email it to us below.
Details of applicant:
Indicates required field
Name (as in NRIC)
NRIC (required for NCSS or IBF funding application)
For applicants not applying for funding, you may fill this field with X1234567X.
DOB (dd/mm/yy - required for NCSS Funding)
Please Confirm
I have checked and confirmed that my email is correct.
Date Joined (dd/mm/yy - required for NCSS funding)
Select Workshop
20-21 Feb 2025 Authentic Leadership Conversations (f2f)
13-14 Mar 2025 Principles of Persuasion® (f2f)
10-11 Apr 2025 Authentic Leadership Conversations (f2f)
22-23 May 2025 Principles of Persuasion® (f2f)
26-27 Jun 2025 Authentic Leadership Conversations (f2f)
How did you get to know of the above workshop?
Internet Search
Email advertisement from us
Email advertisement from SSI
Friends, colleagues
Delivery address (online courses only)
Delivery Postal code
Mobile Number
Sponsoring Company Address (for billing purposes)
Office Postal code
Company UEN (required for NCSS or IBF funding application)
For applicants not applying for funding, you may fill this field with NA.
Office Number
Is your company/organisation sponsoring you for the course fees?
Details of in-house course coordinator:
Please confirm
I have checked and confirmed that my email is correct.
Contact Number
1-Day Workshop Fees (per participant)
What Motivates Me Engagement Training
Corporate in-house
S$ 1,080
(call for more details)
Public workshop (online)
S$ 1,080
Public workshop (face-to-face)
S$ 1,180
2-Day Workshop Fees (per participant)
Authentic Leadership Conversations (ALC)
Corporate in-house
(call for more details)
Public workshop (online)
S$ 1,750
Public workshop (face-to-face)
S$ 1,850
S$ 1,800 (for groups of 2-4 participants)
S$ 1,750 (for groups of 5 and above)
Principles of Persuasion (POP)®
Corporate in-house
(call for more details)
Public workshop (online)
S$ 1,750
Public workshop (face-to-face)
S$ 1,850
S$ 1,800 (for groups of 2-4 participants)
S$ 1,750 (for groups of 5 participants and above)
For all online courses, courier charges for delivery of materials of $15 will apply.
Terms and conditions:
* I confirm that the above information is correct and consent for Erevna Leadership LLP and Erevna Leadership Asia Pte Ltd and third parties to use and store the above information for administration, logistics and marketing purposes.
* Workshops are conducted by a licensed facilitator certified by the relevant principals.
* For public workshops (face-to-face), fee includes the original licensed training materials, best-seller book (where applicable), buffet lunch and refreshments at a 4 star hotel venue for the duration of the course.
For corporate in-house runs,
fee includes the original licensed training materials and best-seller book (where applicable). However,
training venue and refreshments are excluded.
Applicants will be notified on the terms of payment upon registration.
Personal Data Protection Act statement
By submitting this form, I consent to:
(a) The collection, storage, retention, adaptation, modification, reading, retrieval, use, transmission, blocking, erasure or destruction (“Processing”) of the personal data provided by me (“Personal Data”);
(b) Erevna Leadership LLP and /or Erevna Leadership Asia Pte Ltd processing my Personal Data and contacting me about the programs and activities organized by
Erevna Leadership LLP and /or Erevna Leadership Asia Pte Ltd
including but not limited to newsletters and event information.
Cancellation Policy
If notice of withdrawal is given in writing:
Between 7 to 14 days preceding commencement of program - 50% refund.
- Less than 7 days or no show - no refund.
Erevna Leadership LLP and/or Erevna Leadership Asia Pte Ltd reserve the rights to change the venue, cancel or postpone the event due to unforeseen circumstances.
By clicking submit, you agree to the terms and conditions, PDPA statement and cancellation policy stated above. You only need to click SUBMIT once. We will follow up and contact you shortly after you have submitted this form.
About us
Products and Services
Customized Solutions
Licensed Programs
Authentic Leadership Conversations
Authentic Leadership Conversations for Financial Industry
Drive Workshop
Principles of Persuasion
Principles of Persuasion for Financial Industry
What Motivates Me
Our Clients
Calendar of events
Our Partners